1998. RICK KAISER, Son of 1975-76 Camporee Chief Dick Kaiser, was the second to follow in his father's footsteps as Camporee Chief. Rick served as Camporee Chief 30 years after attending his first Camporee at Holiday Park as a Scout (in founding Scoutmaster H.W. "Zeke" Landis' Troop 131) in 1968. The theme was "Baden Powell's Vision Turns 90." All who attended this years Camporee will certainly remember it as a wild, windy, and cold weekend. Attendance dropped due to the threat of severe weather, and tornado strikes the weekend before in Miami-Dade County. Those who did brave the weather found a weekend filled with the "Spirit of Scouting." New Council Scout Executive Jeff Herrmann addressed the crowd for his first South Florida Scoutmasters Camporee and Arena Show which also included the rededication ceremony. Getting back to Baden-Powell's original concept of building character in boys was the order of the day.
1998 Camporee patch